Converting Seawater to Freshwater on a Ship With Freshwater Generators!

Fresh water generators are one of the important machinery on board a ship and it is something that cannot be done without. Fresh water is produced from used freshwater generators and then used for drinking, cooking and running other important machinery which use fresh water as a cooling medium. 

Fresh water is generally produced on board using the evaporation method; there are two things that are available in plenty on ships to produce fresh water- seawater and heat. Thus fresh water is produced by evaporating sea water using heat from any of the heat sources. And then again the evaporated sea water is cooled and continues to repeat the cycle.

For generating fresh water with Used Fresh Water Generator reverse osmosis is one of the best methods. Generally this is used on passenger vessels wherein there is a large requirement for fresh water production. However in merchant ships the evaporation method is used as reverse osmosis is costly and includes the maintenance cost. 

How do these water generators work?

Seawater is pumped from the sea to the FWG condenser and then passes through it after that from the evaporator and through the ejector. The condenser absorbs some heat prior to entering the evaporator which increases the overall efficiency of the Main Engine and Generators. 

Jacket water is pumped from the main engine to the evaporator and the temperature it has around 80 degrees Celsius. This is sufficient to evaporate some of the seawater passing through the evaporator. If you use a large amount of sea water then this will lead to salt forming on the plates. 

Water evaporated from the evaporator forms a water mist which passes through the demister and removes any carry-over salts then it reaches the condenser through Used Naniwa Pumps.

  • Water treatment

After the water gets from these generators is called distilled water and is used for washing and cleaning applications. Correcting the water PH value and then passing it through a mineralize and bacterial treatment plant yields drinking water.

Chemical dosing and others are two of the most common bacterial treatment plants for the health and welfare of drinking water consumers. 

Making Drinking Water Out of Freshwater

The water is devoid of minerals and salt when it exits the Used Fresh Water Generator. These days, it's perfect for showers, boiler feed, engine cooling, and other uses.

But drinking water straight from the freshwater generator is not recommended. If there are no minerals in it, it will be acidic and entirely flat. Furthermore, it's possible that some bacteria are still present in it. Ships employ different tanks for drinking water and general freshwater usage as a result. To eradicate bacteria from the water, cleaners like chlorine tablets are occasionally put into the drinking water tank.

The driving force of the entire potable water system is the potable water pump or the Used Naniwa Pumps. These carry the water from the freshwater generator to the tanks and then from the tanks to the hydrophore. You must also connect with a professional to get the right water pump and water generator for yourself.

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